Monday 16 September 2013

A note on Friendship

A lasting, true friendship means to me a bond with someone who is there for you, you be for them – no matter what. It also cannot be one way – It has to be a mutual understanding and appreciation for one another…. If someone does not reciprocate the mutual feelings, it is then not a real friendship.
I will, though, add …. If someone I truly do love doesn’t want to be with me : I will respect their decision, choice* , yet I will strive to always be there for them because if it is a true bond based on love despite any hurt, harm done nothing will come between each other. Even if the other person does the worst of things… I am a believer in hope: the hope of forgiving, forgetting and letting go of the past with a dedication and mutual helping of one another in making it better than ever before. It is easier said than done as we all are human beings – No one person on this earth is perfect.

No one can say they haven’t hurt their friend , brother, sister, mother, father anyone for that matter. The key in my humble belief is if one truly loves someone and there is a true bond, repentance in honesty*with a mutual heart to heart talk can save and does save. But if someone cannot understand someone that is truly , honestly, genuinely repentant and doesn’t want to forgive I would move on despite the pain, the hurt within. Because I was created in God’s image and to God He will always care and *love me, I must continue to strive, move ahead forward in life. God is the one as King David would have probably said the One I can always turn to for comfort solace and understanding… Because there is one thing that is for certain: God sees and knows everything… Especially what is within the hearts of all men.

To err is human, but to forgive is divine.

If one truly loves their friend, family even strangers one will over look his sins against you – and vise-versa – and you will forgive each other in truth, kindness*, thanksgiving and hope in love for one another and most importantly because we love God.

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