Monday 7 November 2016

Dressing To Impress At Interviews: An Expert Guide

So you recently applied for your dream job and have just received a response inviting you to attend an interview. While you’re over the moon at the opportunity, you are probably stressing out about what you should wear. Picking an interview look that’s both smart and stylish is no easy task.

The good news is, however, that looking both chic and smart is much easier than you would think. The most important thing is to understand why you need to look good for interviews, and no, it’s not just to impress your potential employer. The truth is, if you want to do well at your interview, you need to feel confident. You may not realize it, but how confident you feel, shows. That’s why it’s so important to get your interview outfit spot on.

For everything that you need to know about dressing to impress for interviews, keep reading.

You can’t go wrong with monochrome

While you might love wearing colored outfits, your potential boss may not be a fan. When it comes to dressing for interviews, it’s always best to opt for a monochrome look. Monochrome - black and white, looks smart and chic, so it perfect for wearing to an interview.

Opting for an outfit that’s mainly black, might seem boring, but that doesn’t have to be the case. With a few well thought out accessories, you can easily add a little extra style and color to your look.

Be choosy about accessories

When your interviewer sees you for the first time, you want to give the impression of being stylish and professional. This means that when it comes to accessories, you need to be choosy about what you wear. Save the bold statement pieces for nights out with the girls. Instead, opt for items that are subtle and elegant.

For interview accessories, focus on shoes, jewelry, and bags. For an interview, you don’t need any more accessories than these, else you could end up looking a little too dressed up. Your shoes should not only be simple and elegant, but they also need to be clean and easy to walk in. If you can’t walk in heels, don’t wear them.

For your jewelry, aim to keep it as minimal as possible. Ideally no more than a pair of earrings, a necklace, and bracelet. Oh, and don’t forget to wear a watch. This will not only add style but will also make you look more professional. There are plenty of beautiful watches for women online, so if you don’t already have one, you should be able to find a design that’s perfect.

Finally, for your bag, a briefcase is the best option. Opt for a neutral design that’s chic and smart, and you can give your look an extra boost of professionalism.

Remember, comfort is key

Style is important, but so is comfort. The chances are that you’ll be super nervous as it is, so the last thing you’ll want is an uncomfortable outfit to wear. That’s why it’s important to ensure that whatever you opt to wear, is as comfortable as it is stylish.

If you’re going to go out and buy a new outfit, make sure to test drive your look a few days before your interview. While the outfit might seem comfortable in the shop, that doesn’t mean that it will be comfortable when you’re actually wearing it. That’s why it’s so important to have a test drive a couple of days before your interview, to ensure that the outfit is as comfortable as possible.

Getting your interview look right might be a struggle, but it’s not as hard as you would think. Take note of the tips above, and you can ensure that your outfit wows your interviewer.

6 Classic Mistakes Women Make With Men

There are some classic mistakes that women make with men. So classic that I honestly wish a book was made of them -- a rule book -- and women had to read it in high school. And then take a test on it. Like 50 tests. And they had to memorize every single word.

But there is no Relationship 101 unless you count the ones in the School of Hard Knocks. You have to live it or have your friends live it -- sometimes multiple times -- for the lessons to kick in. And sometimes then they don't even stick. But, boy, if every woman knew these classic mistakes, and to avoid them, before plunging into the dating world in their early 20s, what a different experience love could be for those ladies. Here are 6 classic mistakes women make with men.

Classic Mistake #1: I can change him.

Although people do hear that old adage, "People don't change," no one really takes it seriously until he or she is faced with a person who needs to change. It's at that point you go into denial. "Oh, he just needs someone who understands him," "If I do everything for him, he'll feel like he wants to reciprocate," etc. Chances are, that is never, ever going to happen. Not that people don't change -- they do. But YOU can't make them. A good rule of thumb is this: If you knew that this man would be EXACTLY the same for the next 50 years, would you still want to marry/date him? If the answer is "hell no," then abort mission if you aren't married yet. And if you are already married, carefully consider what your next step is and whether it should be divorce.

Classic Mistake #2: I'm the exception.

I've seen far too many intelligent women get involved with a guy with a horrible romantic history who then goes on to cement the pattern with them. Why? Because they thought they would be the "exception." I've heard: "We were such good friends, I thought he'd never pull that on me." I've heard: "He cheated on his wife, but that was 10 years ago." I've heard: "He broke off two engagements, but this time he says he's really ready and has met the right person." Not that you're definitely NOT the exception -- hey, maybe you are -- but chances are, you're not. And why would you want to risk it anyway?

Classic Mistake #3: Not listening.

I've come to believe a man tells you pretty much everything you need to know about him in the first few months, if not the first few dates. If he says, "I'd really love to get married, but I've found it so hard to find someone I'm compatible with," women hear: I'd really love to get married. They don't hear, "I find most women are incompatible with me, and I'm not even considering that this might be my fault." I had one friend whose new man told her right off the bat that he gets tired of women after two months. However, when she confronted him on this, he backtracked and said he was just joking around. Guess what happened after two months? Listen. And take heed.

Classic Mistake #4: Giving points for being "honest."

If a man is telling you all about his troubles, his rocky romantic history, his financial problems, or his drug addictions, women tend to think: "Oh, he's being so honest with me, that must mean he doesn't plan on doing any of this stuff with me." Women find it impossible to believe a man would advertise his future bad behavior. But men often give you a warning for a good reason -- they are testing you to see if you will stick around after hearing about their chronic unemployment, cheating history, or addictions. If you do, then they consider that you've had fair warning.

Classic Mistake #5: He will leave his wife for me.

This is such an old-timey classic mistake that it's crazy to think there are women who still fall for it, but they do. As high as the divorce rate is, chances are a guy who gets involved with you while he's with his wife is doing it because he wants two women -- not one. If he dumps his wife, that would mean he's only got one woman. You. Which is not what he wants. If he swears he's leaving his wife soon, what harm can it do to walk away and tell him to call you once the divorce is final? If he likes you that much, it should only speed up the process, right?

Classic Mistake #6: Marriage and/or children will change him/settle him down.

This does happen with some guys, but it's a huge mistake to assume it's going to happen. In fact, women who are with abusers are never more at risk of being killed than when they get pregnant. And guys with a history of cheating are likely to do it even more once they get married. Guys who cheat are usually commitmentphobes who use other women to keep distance from you. So getting married will only intensify those commitmentphobic feelings and increase the desire to cheat.

Have you ever made any of these classic mistakes? Would you tell your daughters about them?

A Guide To Men's Biggest Fears On Your First Date And How To Make It Work

By Henry Kingston

No matter how cool men try to be on their first date, chances are that they’re just about as nervous as you are. Well, that is the nature of first dates after all. Here’s your guide to men and their biggest fears on date night number 1 and how you can deal with such situations.

He fears that you might not be what he’s expecting
Truth be told; we’ve all been there. But if you thought that everything from your dress to his looks to the ambiance to the food went perfect, and yet you still didn’t get the early morning call from him that you were waiting for the entire night, there’s a very big possibility that you ended up being ‘different’ from what he expected you to be when he originally asked you out for dinner.
Having doubts over one’s own judgements isn’t a comfortable feeling, and men have these doubts just about as often as us ladies. Truth is that finding a date is more or less just like finding a dress in a boutique with way too many options; only difference is that there’s a lot more in baggage other than a perfect fit. If you’re worried about being dumped after the first date because he thought you were different, try not to differ from how you advertise yourself when you first met. If you told him that you don’t drink, don’t go on gulping down half a dozen cocktails on date night.
He fears he’s not the only one you're interested in
For most men, the first date is like intense competition; they feel overwhelmingly pressured to sweep you off your feet because they secretly think that every other guy in the room could grab your attention. He’ll follow your gaze and wonder if they’re just looking around or checking out that perfectly handsome Patrick Dempsey lookalike a few tables across. Eventually, he’ll fear looking stupid! And you’ll be really lucky if you don’t end up with someone who ends up doing stuff that's cringe worthy in a vain attempt to get your attention.
But that’s the thing about first dates; you tend to get distracted faster than you think and can’t fixate your eyes on an almost strange man sitting at your table right in front of you for too long. If that is the case, try to give him some reassurance by paying attention to his conversation and responding aptly. Let him know that you’re listening and that you want to know more about him. That way he’ll know that he’s left an impression on you.
He fears he just might touch you too soon
Not knowing how you would respond, making any sort of physical contact with girls for the first time on date night number 1 can be quite a bucketful of stress for men. Whether it’s just putting his hand on yours or playing footsie, he knows that there’s a way things are to be done, and breaking the guidelines could lead to some awfully serious consequences. Not getting the desired response from your end can be a big blow of rejection to his masculinity.
You’d obviously want to be a bit wary of the pushy kind, but if you sense that he’s feeling awkward about getting touchy, then consider that as a good sign; a sign of decency. And if you’re okay, then beat him to the punch and initiate the first contact yourself. Be the first to touch his hand or make foot-contact. You can even choose to drop in hints by rubbing your own fingers along your skin. It’s times like these when wearing statement jewels on a date night come is handy. Just try not to come across as too desperate.
He fears you won’t give him a second date
Most guys approach dating like a task assigned to them at work, a job they must complete, and that is to impress you. And if he’s genuinely serious about it, then five minutes on the table and he’ll already be wondering whether both of you will be out on date number 2 next weekend. Throughout the date he’ll be looking out for signs of your interest in him and his success at his job. And obviously, if he fails to see those, he’ll stress out and his ego will be hit hard yet again.
Just as I said above; dating is like shopping; if you’re not getting butterflies in your stomach and can’t sit any longer, there’s not much that you can do to make him feel better, and frankly, that isn’t even your responsibility. However, if your vagina does skip a contraction or two, don’t hesitate to drop in a few hints; you two could be onto something exceptionally great!

How To Tighten the Vagina and Keep Away Any Bad Smells.

Have you ever wondered once or twice or more, how tight your vagina was, or whether your vagina has a bad smell? If you're married or sexually active, you probably want to know how to take better care of your vagina. It will definitely be on your mind when you want to do the do or it's time for your partner to go 'down'.  I also talked about Vaginal Yeast Infection and Best Herbal Cure For Candida To Reduce Vaginal Itching.

For getting your vagina tight, I know Kegels are great .

About how to keep away the bad vagina smells, bear in mind that all vaginas have their own natural smell, maybe I should say scent. That unique scent  can be an aphrodisiac for your partner, but when your vagina starts smelling too fishy, there's something fishy.

You need to get rid of that smell from the inside out, and from the outside in. Below are the top 10 tips I found.

1. Eat a good quantity of citrus fruits like Oranges and Lemons

2. I don't know what Indian Gooseberry is but it's supposed to help for OK vaginal odour

3. Add fresh yoghurt to your diet

4. Garlic is your friend, as it helps keep away bacterial infections

5. Tea Tree Oil is mentioned too, I've never used it. I know it's great for hair too.

6. Drink lots of water, of course.

7. Use water every time you use a toilet, a wipe may be better than tissue paper.  Avoid using douches. Wash your vagina with unscented soap or simple feminine wash for the external area only.

8. Keep the vaginal area clean and dry also keep your pubic hair short.

9. Choose cotton underwears or those with cotton in the vagina area. Or go commando, that is, without undies at all.

10. During your period, change your sanitary pads or tampons frequently and use panty liners during your ovulation.

I would love to hear your own ideas of getting rid of vaginal odor. Please leave a comment below.

PS, who can count how many times I said vagina in this post?