Monday 6 July 2015

Why I’m enthusiastic about giving back to society –Imo beauty queen.


Beauty they say, lies in the eyes of the beholder. Evidently, no one would dispute the
beauty and quality of the natural endowment of Miss Cynthia Ngozi Igbokwe who
emerged the most beautiful girl in Imo State for 2014/2015.
The 24-year old beauty queen has been involved in several humanitarian services
across the length and breadth of her primary assignment with a leadership view of
using her God-given talent to help society.
The free flowing Queen of Imo state, is from a God- fearing family of six made up
of three brothers and three sisters. She studied for her first degree in Social Work
at the University of Calabar.
She was much younger when her mum taught her how to be a good girl, to love
and respect people, and also to know that the man is the head of the family.
Speaking to Niger Delta Chronicle in Benin, the Edo State capital, she reflected on
her foray into modeling and her earnest resolution to project her selfless programmes
for her constituency.
“I got into modeling some years ago when friends urged me to veer into it because
I’m well behaved and I have a good physique to contest. So, I decided to try it when
I was in school even though I did not win on my first trial. That gave me the
privilege to make some money while in school, because I didn’t have to ask my parents
for money all the time. So, it really helped me. After, I decided to go for a test even
though I did not win but it gave me the edge to do better next time. But then, I
went for another test, The African Village Queen contest and came out as first
runner-up and that was a good thing for me too. Then, I had to focus on my
academics because it was my final year in school. Finally, I participated in another
contest, Miss Hospitality Ambassador in Nigeria 2013-2014, which I won. When I
handed over to my successor, I still had the notch to go for more and so I contested
The face of the world Nigeria pageant , the most beautiful girl in Imo State
2014-2015 and I won.
“Certainly, it’s not as if I was more beautiful than other contestants, but I had
something special and better to offer. Perhaps, I was more intelligent and outspoken
and I thank God for that. I hope I have the opportunity to do more when called
upon and give back to the society what I can and practice my profession as a social
worker”, she said.
The beauty queen attributed her victory to God Almighty, parental support, self
confidence and her relationship with people.
“God first, is the giver of all things. I believed in myself and believed I could do
something. I believed I came for the crown and I could go home with it. I was
convinced of my qualities and when I look back I could see the support of my family
which was a plus to my victory. Even though my parents did not want it from the
onset but I had to prove why I have to be a model and in the end they accepted it”,
Miss Igbokwe said.
In life, quitters never achieve anything and achievers are resilient by nature. So is the
quality of a great ambassador of humanitarian service exhibited by Miss Igbokwe
particularly, as she faced strong competitors before she was crowned the most beautiful
girl in Imo State.
“It was very challenging particularly as a girl-child. Many people wanted to get to
know me especially the male folks. Even men wanted to sleep with me and if you say
no, you miss the financial support. So, it’s very challenging. But then, you have to
stand your ground by letting them know they could help without sleeping with you.
Other basic challenges have to do with gossips among contestants particularly when you
win and they lose. They feel you are pompous and that could lead to malice within
the circle and again getting funds was a major challenge as well as waking up everyday
and thanking God, that I am alive and plan to work out things. I know I have family
there for me and I know that I have good people to work with. That makes me
happy and I know also that I have food on my table to eat today, tomorrow, and
the next”, she said
On giving back to the society, she is poised to work with orphans, focus on youth
empowerment through her pet project tagged ,Talent And Wealth Creation and the
very aged that have given so much to the society to bring to bear her humanitarian
“I intend to work with orphans as my pet project and also to support the aged. So, I
will also focus on the youth as well, even though I know some people don’t have
opportunity to such advice. I am going to give back to the society. They should be
ready to benefit from what my mama taught me letting them know that, the advice
will pay them if not now but in the future”.
Miss Igbokwe, however, urged people to believe in themselves and remain focused to
achieve the needful in various opportunities that come their way.
“So, I urge people to believe in themselves; just tell yourself you can do it because
there is an adage which says “If you can’t beat them, join them”. That also goes
with the fact that if you can’t beat them leave them and be the change you want to
see in the world”, she said .